Tips On How To Eat Healthy On A Budget And Lose Weight

how to eat healthy on a budget and lose weight

This is something that I get asked about pretty much constantly, so I figured why not write about it in my blog. That way whenever somebody asks me this I can just send them here. Over the last 8 or so years that I have been in the healthy living life I have come across a couple of great tips and this is something that I wanted to share with some of you. I want to make sure to let you guys know I am not a health expert and but I dot know much more than most people about health and this certain lifestyle. So here are 5 tips on how to eat healthy on a budget and lose weight at the same time.



Buying your foods in bulk amounts is an excellent way to save money, just make sure that you are getting the freshest foods possible. Not only does this save you the money from the food because buying in bulk is just cheaper in general, but think about how much you are saving on gas alone. You do not have to go back and forth to the store to buy more foods, another good tip about this is if you get fruit or even some veggies you can freeze them for later so they do not go bad. I have been doing this for years. Just make sure that you do not forget about them and they will go bad eventually.


Smoothies are expensive, although they are amazing and delicious but if you are trying to learn how to eat healthy on a budget and lose weight you have to think about how expensive juicing and making smoothies are. If you do have the extra cash which I doubt you do because you are obviously reading this for a reason then I would suggest juicing.


When you are trying to lose more weight you want to make sure that you are not eating certain foods, make sure that you do your research online about what healthy foods are the cheapest. Although eating a lot of carbs is a bad idea when trying to lose weight, if you are trying to learn how to eat healthy on a budget and lose weight you can consider getting yourself some beans and rice. Very cheap and filling, but remember TOO MANY CARBS IS BAD.


I am going to make this one short and sweet, make sure when you are shopping that you are looking for the best deals possible. If you find some 50% off deals make sure you grab those as soon as you can you do not want to miss out on any savings! Make sure that you stick to the less fatty foods if you are trying to cut down your weight.


Planning your meals ahead of time can save you time and money, the reason why I learned how to eat healthy on a budget and lose weight was because A I needed to lose weight and b because I was losing money from making too much food at once. Make sure that you are not throwing away your leftovers or anything like that. If you plan your meals ahead of time you can save yourself the hassle of losing out on that sweet sweet mula!

For More Info on learning how to eat healthy on a budget and lose weight you can always check out 

How To Properly Live A Healthy Life


I want to share with all of you my daily routine for living a healthy lifestyle, I am going to do a walk through of every daily activity that I go through. I like to consider myself somewhat of an expert in this because I have been doing it since I was about 14 years old. Eating healthy is important part of this as well as getting the proper exercise, but you need to know how to balance these tho things to make for an all around perfect healthy lifestyle.

First thing that I do when I get out of bed is take my multivitamins, I recommend getting yourself some good multivitamins and do not go the cheap route, get yourself some good name brand ones. I usually take one in the day and one at night to get all of the proper vitamins. I have read somewhere that if you take two at once you only get enough for one that you take and the other one goes to waste. After I take my multivitamin I usually get myself some breakfast, I usually keep it pretty light because I am going to be doing some running and I don’t want to get a side ache. So a bagel with some cream cheese is something good for the morning.

After I am finished eating and taking a shower I get ready for my morning jog, I usually do about 30 minutes in the morning before I head to school.30 minutes of non stop jogging is pretty much perfect for me, I usually never take a break and can stay at a steady pace for that long. Anything more than that usually tires me out too much. When I get home I make myself a healthy smoothie, usually mostly fruits because its the morning and I want more fruit in the morning. I eat my veggies at night time with my bigger meals.

I finish my smoothie up and get ready for school, at school I usually eat a very light but nutritional lunch. I get myself a salad or maybe granola and yogurt. I want to make sure that I am getting all of the nutrition that I can possibly get for the day. I don;t want to waste any of my body’s energy that can absorb any nutrients. I like to go to the gym across the street from my school during my break periods which usually last from 20 to 40 minutes. Jump on the treadmill and do my thing, usually lift some weights if I can.

Soon I get home and eat myself a pretty decent sized dinner, the ideal dinner for me would be maybe steamed carrots with baked skinless chicken and some brown rice. This is pretty much the most nutritional I can get for eating a healthy dinner. Healthy eating is important to me. This is the last thing I usually do for the day, around 11pm at night I go for my nightly jog with yet another 30 minutes of jogging. I find this helps me sleep much better and am usually out within a few minutes.

Then I wake up and repeat the process all over again!

Welcome Everybody

Thank you all for visiting my blog and welcome! You are going to have an awesome time I just know it, if you are interested in fitness and health related topics this is the best place for you to be. I want to give some tips and maybe even share my results with people when I try out new things. Hope to get to know some of you.